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ESCAPING REALITY - Charrette series

As we move through a year into COVID-19, a lot of us have been restricted within the premises of our houses. Within these walls, we tend to spend time daydreaming about fun memories, the outside world, or a place where we wish we could be at that very moment. This conceptual charrette series involves participants creating a unique and emotive take on design through illustrating a room that portrays memories or places that help them escape reality.


 It will be a week-long event that will be broken down into three phases: brainstorming, team-based sketching, and individual submissions.


This charrette series explores not only the need to reimagine our reality, but also the restrictions and barriers we continue to face in design such as the design process and collaboration. Through these three phases, participants will take their explorations and focus on honing these skills crucial in our design field through a virtual lens.


With this, participants will have the opportunity to get published on our Instagram and website, as well as in a zine (self-published compilation of work).

Location: Virtual

Status: Ongoing

Charrette Series | Phase 1


Open to the public

A public and open Miro Board will be live Friday starting at 9am ET for you to brainstorm your ideas on:“How do you escape reality?”


In the Miro board, you can add your ideas, comments, and conversations through images, text, and other media. This is merely a space to have fun, to explore, and exchange in conversation.

Charrette Series | Phase 3

final submission

DUE:  Sunday - February 21st

11:59p.m. ET / 8:59p.m. PT

Each participant will submit their own individual illustration, and any process documents and sketches (all as separate files). Participants must also provide a description of the submission to create a story-telling element to share what this submission evokes.




Project Managers:

Alyssa Marie Verdan

Jayda Brown

Andrea Bancod


325 Church Street, Toronto ON


© 2020 by AIAS Toronto Met + FBD Toronto Met

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325 Church Street, Toronto ON


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